Rockhopper Status: Online
Server: Zero Grau
Place: Pizza Parlor
If that one hasnt found him.. then im sorry, but i don't know what else to do!! but it will sure find rockhopper eventually!
Tracker Last Updated:
July 26th, 2011 10:56 AM
This Tracker will HELP you find Rockhopper!
July 26th, 2011 10:56 AM
This Tracker will HELP you find Rockhopper!
It may not always be accruate, so.. if it's wrong, Don't blame me! :)
Previous Locations (EST):
Zero Grau, Pizza Parlor - 10:56 AM (EST)
Last Times RH was seen (PST TIMES!)
Zero Grau, Pizza Parlor - 7:56 AM (PST)
RH Finding Guide:
Rockhopper is a RED Penguin. He Is Usually seen at Mammoth, Frozen, Yeti, Mittens, Occasionally White House & Yukon.
Previous Locations (EST):
Zero Grau, Pizza Parlor - 10:56 AM (EST)
Last Times RH was seen (PST TIMES!)
Zero Grau, Pizza Parlor - 7:56 AM (PST)
RH Finding Guide:
Rockhopper is a RED Penguin. He Is Usually seen at Mammoth, Frozen, Yeti, Mittens, Occasionally White House & Yukon.
HE DOESN'T JUST GO TO THESE SERVERS! He is most commonly seen at The Dock, Pizza Parlor, Plaza, Beach, The Migrator (The ship at the beach), The Town Occasionally The Lighthouse, Rarely Stage And Pet Shop.
If a ton of penguins go online the server at the same time, and running to a room as fast as they can, it could possibly be that rockhopper is on that server.
If you stay at a room, (such as The Migrator at Mammoth) Rockhopper may go to it and you can meet him!
If a lot of people are trying to get in, and are red, That is also a possible sign of rockhopper.
You can also use a chat to find rockhopper. I use this sometimes to update my trackers.THANKS FOR TRACKING WITH US